Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Oh Happy Day!

During our sharing, one of our students (who has fallen in love with the Liberty Bell) shared that the bell was rung on special occasions. Another student asked, which occasions? He replied, "When the Constitution of Pennsylvania was signed, the Declaration of Independence and George Washington's b-day." Another student said, "Did you know that George Washington built the bell?" He didn't...although he was pondering it.

About 3 shares later and 10 minutes later...he asked if George Washington was a craftsmen...I wanted to know why...to which he replied and blew me away. His reasoning - his books said that two craftsment built the bell and if George Washington is not a craftsmen, then he didn't build the bell. Wow!

Funny of the day - As I was counting for the kids to FINALLY get to sharing, I was close to 10 and the kids chimed in with 9 and 1/2, 9 and a quarter (they don't get the order, but you know their parents have said it). One girl then chimed in with 9 and a penny, 9 and a dime...how funny!

1 comment:

Sarah Amick said...

Hey, things are going well. Should I call you Mrs. Carl Anderson. Sorry, that is his phrase for conferencing. Ha, Ha, Ha! Are you doing well?