Monday, March 31, 2014

Confessions of a ww leader

I mess up. 

I've been a Weight Watchers leader since October. My life has changed dramatically since then.  I went from a very scheduled life to weekends that are not as structured. 

I've been less diligent with my tracking. I put food into my mouth and mentally track it. I've slacked off with my working out. 

Um, the scale shows it. I'm still in my goal range, but I know I am letting old habits creep back in. Eating when I'm stressed.  Eating in front of the tv. Eating without paying attention to portions. 

Nat has been wonderful and lets me cook almost whatever. No avocado, mushrooms, tomatoes, or shrimp.  But that doesn't give me a reason to let it all go. 

So, today begins tracking what I eat. All of it. Any of it. I'm choosing to pay attention and track. Because it works. And I want to be proud of what I am doing for myself. 

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