I am offering a challenge to all who read my blog...I did this last year and finally opened it and read it this year...confused yet? I wrote a letter to myself last year telling about my highs, my lows, what I wanted out of 2007, what was going on around me at the time of 2006...Today, I wrote my letter for 2007 BEFORE I read last year's letter. I hope this becomes a pattern in my life, where I take more time to reflect on the past to help shape my future (for the better). I then gave the letter to a trusted friend who mailed it to me whenever they got around to it...I held onto the letter and didn't open it until the end of this year. I had my small group girls do it last year. I am interested in hearing what they thought of their letters (if they feel like telling me), but would love to hear how many of you accept the challenge!!! If you want to, feel free to give me the letter in a sealed envelope and it'll find it's way back to you in several months!