Friday, October 24, 2008

My Day...

I woke to a phone was going off. My friend call and woke me out of my deep and dark slumber at 7:30. I laid awake and listened to the rain a bit and then trudged downstairs to begin surfing the blog world. I set an alarm, read blogs, took a shower, and then headed off for a massage.

WOW! I have always wanted to have my muscles kneaded and today that happened! She asked me if I wanted a firmer massage and I said, "Sure, why not?" I think I will stick with those from now on. They're a little more pricey, but the hour was so worth it. It was a small present to my muscles who work out so hard. I lift four times a week for 30-45 minutes and then do cardio for 30-60 minutes depending on the workout that day. My muscles are thanking me now as I sip on a Paddywagon (a local coffee drink) and sit in the coffeehouse grading and relaxing. It was what I needed. I'm glad I took the time for myself. I'm even thinking about buying myself flowers...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. This is written so powerfully.