Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Not planned

I planned on working out. 

I planned my food. 

I planned my lessons. 

I planned my evening. 

And it came undone. In a way. 

Lessons were taught. Kids shared reading goals with me. It was AMAZING!

I ran errands. Took me ninety minutes. Much longer than anticipated. And then came the call

My mom had some chest tightness at work. As a precaution she went to the hospital. And that's where my evening went. 

No workout. No house chores done. No relaxing evening at home. 

But good times were spent hanging with my mom while we wait for bloodwork tomorrow morning. 

I would appreciate prayers. Will let you know more as I do. 

And no, this is not going on Facebook. She's quite private and she would be shocked if she even knew I wrote about it here. Thankful for the support. 

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