Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Crazy Love

Have you read that book?  It's by Frances Chan and if you haven't, stop reading my blog and go out and read it!  It's fantastic and I'm reminded of a part of the book after I looked at my friend's pictures...I promise there's a connection.

In the book, it talks about how God made a movie and we go to the movie and are so excited that we are an extra in His movie that He made about Him.  We drag all of our friends there because we're in His movie and point out the teeny tiny blip that we're in the movie...when really it was all about Him.  Not us...

My friend got married over the weekend and I got to help run the wedding day.  So much fun!  The photographer got a photo of me...and I know, it wasn't my special day, but I had to include the photo here...I love it.

I love that I looked at it and didn't criticize myself.  I just enjoyed the picture!  Plus, I love my arms... :)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

That book is on my list! Nice stopping by here today and thanks for your comment on my "Love in the Dark" post on (in)courage!