Sunday, March 6, 2011


The sunlight streams in on the couch, warming my legs. The aromas of cinnamon apple from the candle warmer, spaghetti sauce from the oven, and freshly brewed coffee fill the room. Light swing music plays on the television (love CD channels), and my eyes are in a book. My brain takes in the lives of five women as they get to know each.

As I stop to take in this slice, it feels right. As I stop to take in this slice, words cannot describe it. As I stop to take in this slice, time seems to have slowed down.

Incredibly thankful for a challenge that causes me to slow down and examine parts of my life that might have gone unnoticed.

1 comment:

Emma Baker said...

That is such a wonderful description. It's so important to pause and enjoy those moments. Thanks for the reminder!