Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Oh no they didn't...

Yesterday was AMAZING! We had great sharing, great talking, and great laughter. On my side anyways.

During a discussion about our new book, we noticed that the pictures were from the past (which the kids did our physical movement of in the past - yay!). I explained to the class about how the pictures of a fair were from the olden days. Without missing a beat, Miss Personality said, "Like when you were born?" You could almost physically hear the bud-da-bump of a drum. I just grinned and then wrote it down!

Then, as we were making the -en family, a student said Ken. I wrote it down and tried to give them some context using my schema. I explained that Malibu Ken was the Ken and Barbie Ken. My Who boy chimed in with (providing his own schema), "There's also a Ken in Toy Story 3." When I began to interject, he said, "No, there really is." I laughed so hard inside as I then explained that my image of Ken was the same as his image of Ken. I don't think the class understood...I guess that shows my age!

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