Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Morning...slice of life

Swaddled as a baby
Encased in a cocoon
Warmth draws me

Drip drops
drag me
draw me
Pitter patter
push me
propel me

Enticing me
with their dance

Awakening me
to a new day

Beckoning me
to begin

to become.


Anonymous said...

I think it is a great poem. It captures that feeling of not wanting to get out of a warm, cozy bed, but then deciding that it will be worth it afterall.

Lynnelle said...

I love it! I especially like the form. I really push with my students that poems don't have to rhyme or follow a certain amount of lines, etc. I would love to share this with my class if you are okay with that!

GirlGriot said...

Lovely poem. I especially like the alliteration in the second stanza. And I love the ending.