Sunday, February 8, 2009

Winter Doldrums

I am having the doldrums...maybe it's when I become overwhelmed with work. Currently, I am trying to challenge 5 students who are very bright and need a push, but two of them keep pushing my buttons by not working when they're supposed to be, work with 4 students that have IEP's, remediate students who are behind in reading and writing, push the students that are at the middle of the road, work with one student who I am not sure if they have something that affects their learning academically and/or socially, and set up a behavior contract with another student who has every right to be an upset little child. That would make any non-educator any educator. I know we all have things that cause us to be tired and down in the I am going to make this week a week where I take one thing at a time...nothing more, nothing less. And I'm really excited to get back into my routine of working out...that will most likely help a lot!!!

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