Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I'm just frustrated with myself. I had a wart removed from the top of my left foot. It was almost 3 weeks ago. Since then, I haven't been able to run. Or even really do cardio. And what do I do? I feel like I sabotage myself with my eating habits. I know I don't eat horrible, but I know that I eat beyond full and when I'm not hungry. I guess this lack of running right now has truly forced me to re-evaluate how I view my workout habits and look at the eating habits since that is almost more important than the working out. You need both...but the eating is huge.

I was at our high school church camp last week and the worship was amazing and the messages were fantastic. Many of the songs and messages spoke right to my heart about how I am no longer chained to what I was. I am free and I need to start acting like it. I may struggle but I am no longer enslaved.

Sometimes it's hard living by myself because there's no one physically here in the house to tell me not to eat...not that the roommate I have right now does that (she's gone for a few days). I am posting this here simply because this blog has always been designed for me to share the process of who I am becoming. I don't expect comments of advice or encouragement...I just wanted to spew it out and maybe I'll feel better.

P.S. - I'll have future posts about our Big Stuf trip as well as information as to what I'm reading.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is frustrating. Hope things are going better now. Hope you can walk soon. The doctors say 20 minutes of walking helps you keep your memory when you are elderly. AND eat blueberries. This is more random information.