One of the greatest things about being single (sometimes you have to choose to have a good attitude when you desire other things) is that I name my schedule. And Saturdays can be very precious, for they are the day that I sleep and do not set an alarm. I have no kids calling out my name, or roommates to make noise, or family who call early (they've learned their lesson when Darth Vader answers). Today was one such Saturday...my eyes opened and looked at my cell phone for the time...6:17.
Hmmm, what should I do? Yes, turn over, hunker down into my down comforter and flannel sheets and wrap the cocoon back around me. Close eyes and see the dark...awaken later.
I'm just a LITTLE jealous today.... it's amazing how it is sometimes difficult to treasure the stage of life that you are in, no matter what the stage! Right now.... I LONG FOR SLEEP!!!!!!! :) Can't wait to see you tomorrow, butterfly (get it.... cocoon.... butterfly.... ha!) :)
Sleeping in is wonderful.
The way you described wrapping yourself back up in the blanket was very clear and I felt like I just wanted to do the same.
Although I seem to be incapable of sleeping late, I do identify with your description. For me, that wonderful feeling of extra sleep comes when I retire early in the evening.
I will write this quietly, so I don't disturb your reverie. Your words enabled me to connect to your much anticipated Saturday slumber.Now that my kids, have flown the coop, Saturdays are a much anticipated experience. As my mother used to say, ' Snug as a bug in a rug.'
I totally agree with what you wrote. It's so nice to not be disturbed. Even the dog slept in today!
Oh, I remember those sleeping-in days fondly...I daily tell myself to enjoy the getting up at six every morning and that someday I'll miss this (and I will...except for the constant exhaustion). And when that day comes, I'll be writing about the wonderful sleeping in and you'll be up with your babies at six! ;)
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