Thursday, March 12, 2009

Small gestures...slice of life

Today, I took more than 20 students (part of a service organization at my school) to the local nursing home and rehabilitation center. They were spending time with residents - chatting, playing games, engaging the residents. I didn't have much to do, so I plopped down behind a barricade that separated the hall from the dining room. As I was grading my math papers, I saw a trio of older people gliding down the hallway. Yes, gliding. The woman and man in the front of the triangle trio were older with white hair. She was tall with a flowing black long pea coat. I remember looking at her and thinking...she's tall. Amazing thought, huh?

I decided to check again on students as they were with residents and found myself looking down the hallway where this trio had headed. The man in the back parted and I saw the older couple. And then I saw the gesture...they were walking down the hallway hand in hand. They looked comfortable. They looked in love. They looked like they fit together. It was a beautiful picture of what growing old can look like. There were so many things in the hallway: carts, wheelchairs, doors galore, but the one thing I saw was two entwined hands.

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